Sikhs in Healthcare

Our Constitution

This Constitution comprises the Governing Rules and Principles to govern the members of the Sikhs in Healthcare (SIHC) network.

1. Governing Principles

The aim of the network is to become the voice of Sikh workforce in health and social care and provide essential resources for healthcare providers to better understand and support the unique requirements of Sikh patients.

The objectives of the network are to:

1.1. promote, encourage, empower, and develop the health and social care profession within the UK Sikh community and grow nationally and internationally.

1.2. Sikhs in Healthcare will drive initiatives from the classroom to boardrooms on recognising, promoting, encouraging and empowering the Sikh professionals and the wider community in the UK.

1.3. represent the collective membership in the furtherance of the above and assist members in their career aspirations, strengthen reputations and exploit opportunities consistent with the overall objective of enhancing equality, diversity and inclusion within the health and social care professions through education, promotion and training.

1.4 raise the Sikh profile in the healthcare sector via responsible, respectful and meaningful engagement and coverage of the Sikh community and its values.

1.5 inform and educate its members and the wider community about relevant issues affecting the Sikh community.

2. Core Values

The core values of the Network are:

2.1. Compassion
2.2. Honesty
2.3. Integrity
2.4. Humility
2.5. Respect

3. Structure

3.1. The management of the network shall be vested in the Chairperson and the Committee.

3.2. The Chairperson shall be the founder of the Network, Gursharan Kaur. [In the event of retirement or death, the Network shall appoint a new Chairperson].

3.3. The Committee shall be made up of the Chairperson and a minimum of five and a maximum of six Sikh members. [A Sikh is defined as someone that believes in the teachings of the last everlasting Guru as Siri Guru Granth Sahib Jee and no other living Guru.]

3.4. The Network shall appoint a Treasurer and a Secretary and any assistants from the membership on the recommendations of the Committee.

3.5. The Committee

The Committee shall work on furthering the aims and objectives of The Network.

The Committee shall form ad hoc Sub Committees as necessary to assist in The Network’s aims and objectives.

3.5.1. The Chairperson

The Chairperson shall own the accountability of The Network with the Committee having the responsibility to run The Network’s regular activities. The Chairperson shall have full oversight of The Network’s activities and advise and assist the Committee in furthering the aims and objectives of The Network.

3.5.2 The Secretary

The Secretary shall convene and attend all meetings of The Network. They shall prepare the agenda for the meetings and shall record accurately the minutes of the meetings and circulate the action points to the Committee within 48 hours and keep the documents and papers of the Council in accordance with good governance practices. The Secretary shall maintain a Register of Members subject to all current laws, rules and regulations regarding the holding and processing of personal information.

3.5.3 The Treasurer

The Treasurer shall pay all monies received by The Network without any deduction and credit The Association’s bank account and deal with monies in any such manner as The Committee direct. The Treasurer shall produce all books, documents, property and monies of The Network in their possession and provide full and clear audited accounts as and when required.

3.5.4. Sub-Committee

The Committee may form ad hoc Sub- Committees to assist with The Network’s work and their creation and purpose will be determined by the Committee.

4. Policy & Strategy

The Chairperson and The Committee will be responsible for the policy and strategic direction of The Network and for agreeing any initiatives, which shall adhere to the Sikh principles and the values of The Network.

5. Membership

5.1. Membership of The Network is open to any person that identifies as a Sikh and works in the health and social care sector.

5.2. Membership is open to Sikh students who are currently training to become health and social care professionals in the future i.e. medical, dental, nursing, health and social care non-clinical roles and allied health professions.

5.3. Membership is granted by the completion, submission, and acceptance of a membership form available from The Secretary.

5.4. Membership is free of charge.

5.5. Register of Members – The Secretary shall maintain a Register of Members subject to all current laws, rules and regulations regarding the holding and processing of personal information.

5.6. Termination of Membership

5.6.1. Any member may terminate his or her membership by writing to The Secretary.

5.6.2. The Core Committee may terminate, by a majority vote, an individual’s membership if they fail to adhere to The Network’s core values or bring The Network into disrepute.

5.6.3. Membership will automatically lapse upon death.

6. Governance

6.1. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

6.1.1. There shall be an AGM within 4 weeks of Chet (April) each year.

6.1.2. The Committee and Sub- Committee Chairs will each provide an annual report, oral and/or written to the AGM.

6.1.3. Accounts should be submitted to the AGM for adoption, as applicable.

6.2. Election of The Committee

6.2.1. Elections of members of the Committee of The Network shall take place every four years.

6.2.2. The Chairperson and The Secretary shall be responsible for arranging and supervising the election of The Committee.

6.2.3. A notice shall be posted on social media platforms inviting applications for candidates. Candidates must be Sikh and shall have a minimum of 10 continuous years in practice.

6.2.4. The Committee shall appoint The Secretary and Treasurer of the Association on the recommendations of the Chairperson.

6.2.5. Each nomination for election to The Committee must be in writing and supported by two members, by email to The Secretary at least 48 hours before the AGM. No nominee may be elected to The Committee unless they are physically present at the AGM and has confirmed acceptance of the nomination in writing to the Chairperson prior to at the AGM.

6.2.6. If more than 6 members of the Association are nominated for election to The Council an election must be held by secret ballot. Prior to the ballot, a husting will be convened at which each candidate present will be entitled to make a 2-minute speech to the AGM.

6.2.7. The outgoing officers shall hand over all the books, accounts, records, and other documents, as well as all other articles belonging to The Network to the Chairperson immediately or not later than 15 days from the date of the AGM.

6.2.8. If the conduct or views of any individual member of The Committee, The Secretary, The Treasurer, or a member of the Sub Committee is deemed to have failed to adhere to the core values, or conflicts with the Network’s aims and objectives, or is unable to act with the best interest of the Network, or brings the Network into disrepute a motion to remove shall be voted on by the Chairperson and The Network with a majority vote being carried.

6.2.9. If the conduct of any individual member of The Network, The Secretary, The Treasurer, or a member of the Sub Committee is deemed to have failed to adhere to the core values, or is compromising the Network’s aims and objectives, or deemed to be not acing in the best interest of the Network or has brought The Network into disrepute, a motion to remove shall be voted on by the Chairperson and The Council with a majority vote being carried.

6.3 Network Meetings

6.3.1. The Network shall endeavour to meet quarterly and in-person where possible.

6.3.2 The secretary shall give at least 24 hours’ notice when calling a meeting.

6.3.3 In the event of a need to convene an urgent meeting, the clause 6.3.2 shall not apply.

6.3.4 To be quorate, the meeting must be attended by the Chairperson and at least 3 of the current Committee members.

6.3.5 The Secretary should circulate the agenda and minutes of the previous meeting and give details of the time and place of the next meeting.

6.3.6 In the event there is a dispute, the Chairperson and Committee will vote, with a majority vote being carried. The vote must remain confidential, and the decision will be announced with Ekta as unanimous in line with Sikhi Governance. The Chairperson shall have the casting vote in the event of a deadlock between the Committee members.

6.3.7 A Committee Member may give their proxy to the Chairman to act on the Member’s behalf by proxy on all matters in which a member is entitled to participate and voting.

6.3.8 If a Committee member fails to attend the network meetings on 3 consecutive occasions without good reason, they shall be deemed to have resigned.

7. Amendments of the Constitution Rules

The proposed amendments shall be voted on by the Chairperson and the Committee– the amendments will take effect immediately upon approval by a majority. There will be an annual review unless decided otherwise.

8. Standard of Conduct

All members of The Network must adhere to the core values of Compassion, Honesty, Integrity, Humility and Respect. Members shall not do or say anything that brings The Network into disrepute. Members shall always act with humility and without ego, in line with the core Sikhi principles.

9. Indemnity

The Chairperson and Committee members shall be indemnified against claims, expenses or other proceedings arising out of their carrying out of duties and functions under this constitution providing such claims, expenses or other proceedings shall not be occasioned by their wilful default, neglect or fraud.

10. Agreements

No individual Committee member shall, without express authorisation, have the power to enter into any oral or written agreement, which in any way binds or commits The Network to any actual or potential liability.

11. Disputes

Should any matter arise which is not provided for in this constitution, it may be dealt with by a majority decision of the Chairperson and the Committee which will be final.

12. Conflicts of Interest

All Committee members must declare any conflict of interest (perceived or actual), the nature and extent of any interest (direct or indirect), which he or she has in a proposed transaction or arrangement in any transaction or arrangement entered into by The Network which has not previously been declared.

13. Copies of the Constitution

The Secretary shall be supplied by the Committee with copies of this constitution. Any member shall be entitled to receive a free electronic copy of this constitution before joining The Network.